Maple Heneseys
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New 'Points' system

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New 'Points' system Empty New 'Points' system

Post  skygar9 Wed Aug 19, 2009 3:36 pm

Look at the new point system!

Points give you access to many things, and if you get more points, you can get those things.

If you post, you get 1 point.

If you make a topic, you get 3 points.

Some of these rewards are:

Moderation: 10 minutes - 250 Points
Chat Box Moderation : 20 minutes - 175 Points
Add a new Smiley - 90 Points
Edit Any Post (once) - 100 Points
Post in a Locked Topic (Once) - 90 Points
Spam topic for YOU only (Other people who post on your topic will have their posts deleted) (Hour) - 75 Points

Have fun!
Pink Been

Posts : 179
Join date : 2009-07-08

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